
This website belongs to Molana Faruq Khan ji . This website provides you the complete information about all Dua , Wazifa and surah . If you feel any difficulties in understanding any of the prayer feel free to contact us on what’s app .

If you are facing any problems in your life . We provide the specialized services in –

  1. Love spell – If the person you love have left you because of misunderstanding then the Dua mention on this site will help you to get your love back .
  2. Dua to get rid of black magic– If you feel you are under any black magic or feeling danger in your life then contact us now .
  3. Marriage related issues – if you are facing problems in your married life or you are not able to get marry then our best provides the best prayer as a solution for all your problems.

You can consult for all the problems you face in your life.

This website is the complete package of all the problems solutions . You face in your life .

Always feel free to contact and molana Faruq khan ji is 24*7 available to help you out .

Thank you!!

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