
Dua Qabool Hone Ki Dua

Dua or supplication is perhaps one of the most powerful forms of communication with Allah, whereby His mercy, guidance, and blessings are sought. But then again, believers are always left wondering as to how to ensure acceptance of their duas. As Allah listens to every honest prayer, there are specific ways and specific duas that […]


The Importance of Tahajjud Dua

The Tahajjud dua holds a special place in the life of a Muslim. But done at night, in silence, it is an intimate means of approaching Allah, seeking His mercy, and offering heartfelt duas. So, Tahajjud prayer is the true definition of sincerity and devotion with many spiritual and worldly benefits. This article looks into […]


Dua to stop divorce and save marriage

In Islam, marriage is a holy tie built upon love, mercy, and mutual understanding. Yet, every marriage is accompanied by challenges. At times, these problems can bring to mind the idea of separation or divorce. Though in Islam, divorce is not forbidden, it is, however the most dislike lawful act. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be […]


Musibat se bachne ki dua

In life, there is always some problem or hardship. Whether it is financial, health, or other kinds of issues, or some other calamity, everyone desires protection from these hardships. Islam teaches a way of life that teaches people to seek Allah’s mercy and protection. Among such supplications, the Musibat se bachne ki dua holds a […]


Dua For Laziness

Laziness is something that easily creeps into our lives and hinders productivity and the delay of our goals. Islam has spiritual remedies for such challenges, including specific supplications (duas) that help us overcome laziness and embrace a proactive attitude. In this article, we explore the importance of seeking Allah’s help against laziness and provide a […]


Dua for success in exams

Success in an examination is the dream of many. But along with hard work and preparation, seeking His assistance through sincere dua can greatly alleviate all kinds of anxiety while also showering one with rich blessings. Here, let us learn some powerful Dua for success in exams besides other practical tips for those to shine […]


Dua Qunoot and its benefits

Dua Qunoot is another important supplication in the Muslim tradition. It is a request for protection, mercy, guidance, and relief of difficulties, often recited during the Witr. The word “Qunoot” in Arabic literally is “obedience” or “devotion,” in the sense of humility before Allah (SWT). This prayer is an expression of trust in Allah’s power […]


The Importance of Dua for the Dead

In Islam, the relationship between believers does not come to an end when the body dies. Even though someone may leave this earth, their loved ones can do a lot for the benefit of his or her soul. The most significant way of achieving this is through dua or supplication. Dua for the dead is, […]


Dua for Love of Allah Seeking Allah’s Affection and Blessings

Developing a deep and genuine love for Allah (SWT) is the core of a believer’s life. This profound connection develops faith, purifies the soul, and puts our hearts in line with the divine purpose. Heartfelt supplication (Dua for Love of Allah) is one of the most powerful ways to nurture this love. Importance of Loving […]


Salatul Hajat Dua for Fulfilling Needs

In Islam, there are many ways of worship that bring the believer closer to Allah and help fulfill their needs and desires. Among them is Salatul Hajat Dua, a special prayer performed when seeking Allah’s assistance or fulfilling a specific need. This practice holds a special place in the lives of Muslims, as it serves […]

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