Darood Sharif or Salawat is one of the most important forms of worships in Islam. Darood Sharif is that supplication where Muslims, with their hands folded, request Allah to send blessings on Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The recitation of Darood Sharif is a deep gesture of devotion that strengthens the bondage between the believer and Allah as well as invokes blessings and peace upon the beloved Prophet.
Meaning and Importance of Darood Sharif
The Arabic term Darood translates to blessings, while Sharif signifies something noble and exalted. Together, Darood Sharif refers to noble and exalted blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Sending Darood is not only a verbal ritual but it is also a way to express love and gratitude to the Prophet, who brought the final message of Islam to the human race.
Allah Himself commands the Muslims to say Darood in the Holy Quran, which has been mentioned in Surah Al-Ahzab (33:56) as follows:
“Allah and His angels send blessings upon the Prophet. O you who have believed, ask [Allah to confer] blessing upon him and ask [Allah to grant him] peace.”
In this verse, the importance of the act has been elaborated by referring to the same as a divine order.
Types of Darood Sharif
There are numerous versions of Darood Sharif, each having its merits and blessings. Some commonly recited ones are:
This is considered to be the most authentic and comprehensive form of Darood. It is recited in daily prayers during Tashahhud.
” Allāhumma salli ala Muhammadin wa ala āli Muhammadin kama sallayta ala Ibrahima wa ala āli Ibrahima innaka Hamidun Majeed. Allāhumma barik ala Muhammadin wa ala āli Muhammadin kama barakta ala Ibrahima wa ala āli Ibrahima innaka Hamidun Majeed. “
This Darood is said for beauty and depth, usually recited for getting relief from problems and seeking Allah’s mercy.
This Darood is recited for protection against calamities and hardships.
Simple Salawat:
“Allahumma salli ala Muhammad wa ala aali Muhammad.”
Every type of Darood has great benefits and is a way of asking Allah for His mercy and forgiveness.
Benefits and Blessings of Reciting Darood Sharif
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in different ahadith has described the importance of reciting Darood Sharif and its benefits:
Divine Mercy:
The person who recites Darood receives Allah’s mercy ten times.
The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Whoever sends blessings upon me once, Allah will send blessings upon him tenfold, erase ten sins from him, and raise him ten degrees in status.” (Sahih Muslim)
Acceptance of Prayers:
Darood Sharif is an answer to make sure that prayers get accept.
The Prophet (PBUH) said: “When any one of you makes a supplication, let him start by praising Allah and then send blessings upon the Prophet. After that, he may ask for whatever he wishes.” (Sunan Tirmidhi)
Intercession on the Day of Judgment:
People who send Darood upon the Prophet on a daily basis will be grant his intercession (shafa’ah) on the Day of Judgment.
Spiritual Purification:
The recitation of Darood cleanses the heart, brings peace to the soul, and strengthens faith.
Connection with the Prophet (PBUH):
The reciter of Darood establishes a spiritual connection with the Prophet, as he said:
“The closest of people to me on the Day of Judgment will be those who send the most blessings upon me.” (Sunan Tirmidhi)
Etiquettes of Reciting Darood Sharif
In order to reap the benefits of reciting Darood Sharif to the fullest, one should observe the following etiquettes:
Recite it with pure love and affection for the Prophet (PBUH).
It is advise to be in a state of physical and spiritual purity before reciting Darood.
Daily recitation, whether in prayer time, in quiet hours, or while doing other things, increases its benefits.
Start and End with Praise:
When making dua, begin with praising Allah, then send Darood upon the Prophet before presenting your requests.
Understanding the Meaning:
Reflecting on the meaning of the words enhances the spiritual experience and connection with the act.
Benefits in Daily Life
Recitation of Darood Sharif into one’s life has many spiritual and worldly benefits. It gives a peace of mind, reduces worry, and reminds Muslims why they have been put here. Regular recitation of Darood Sharif brings favor in the eyes of Allah that can bring untold good health, riches, and prosperity to relationships.
Moreover, it serves as a constant reminder of the exemplary character of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), encouraging believers to emulate his kindness, patience, and compassion in their own lives.
Darood Sharif: A Unifying Practice
The recitation of Darood Sharif transcends cultural and lingual boundaries within the community of Muslims. Irrespective of geographical or sectarian differences, Muslims express their love and affection for the Prophet using Darood. This communal act enhances the unity as well as collective spirituality among the ummah.
Darood Sharif is indeed a treasure trove of both heavenly rewards and worldly gains. The recitation of this prayer fulfills the order of Allah, expresses love and affection for the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and brings one closer to Allah. Whether it’s prayer time, quiet moments, or times of need, Darood Sharif remains a timelessly beautiful act of worship that connects hearts to Allah.
As the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
“The miser is the one in whose presence I am mention, and he does not send blessings upon me.” (Sunan Tirmidhi)
Let us try to make Darood Sharif a part of our lives so that we earn the infinite blessings of Allah and the love of His Messenger.