
Dua Qunoot and its benefits

Dua Qunoot is another important supplication in the Muslim tradition. It is a request for protection, mercy, guidance, and relief of difficulties, often recited during the Witr. The word “Qunoot” in Arabic literally is “obedience” or “devotion,” in the sense of humility before Allah (SWT). This prayer is an expression of trust in Allah’s power to deliver solutions from the problems and troubles people face in their lives. It is one of those supplications which were perform by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions throughout centuries.

In this write-up, let’s see the meaning, how it should be read, and all the good benefits for the Muslim, how Dua Qunoot plays its part in Muslim prayers.

What is Dua Qunoot?

Dua Qunoot is a special prayer pray by Muslims, mainly through Witr prayer after their Isha prayer. There is also a prayer on occasions of calamity or crisis that asks Allah for mercy and forgiveness. The dua of its own contains sincere expressions seeking protection from evil actions, relief from difficulties, and His assistance in times of need.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the companions of the Prophet used to recite this dua during adversity. It could be a battle, personal hardship, or natural disasters. Dua Qunoot is a reminder that everything is in Allah’s hands and only He can provide relief and blessings.

Recitation of Dua Qunoot

While Dua Qunoot can be pray during any challenging time, it is mostly linked to the Witr prayer. The Witr prayer takes place after the Isha’ prayer and is the last at night. It has rak’ahs in an odd number, and it is during the last rak’ah that Dua Qunoot is said. In the Hanafi school of thought, it is obligatory to recite the dua in the last rak’ah of the Witr prayer. In other schools of thought (Shafi’i, Maliki, and Hanbali), it is recommend, but not obligatory.

The Text of Dua Qunoot

The Dua Qunoot is a beautiful and eloquent supplication. While there are variations in the wording across different Islamic traditions, the most common version of the dua is as follows:

اللهم إنا نستعينك ونستغفرك، ونعوذ بك من شرور أنفسنا ومن سيئات أعمالنا.

Allahumma Inna Nasta’eenuka wa Nasta’ghfiruka wa Na’oozu bika min shuroori anfusina wa min sayyi’ati a’malina.

“O Allah, we seek Your help and forgiveness, and we take refuge in You from the evils of our own selves and the misdeeds of our actions.”

These are then followed by specific supplications to seek guidance, mercy, and relief. The complete version may be longer and include personal requests for Allah’s help.

The Text of Dua Qunoot

Benefits of Dua Qunoot

Protection from Evil and Harm

Dua Qunoot is many times recited for a person to protect himself or herself from all external evils, including evil whispers of the enemies, natural disasters and so on. When a man or woman feels afraid, this dua brings him close to Allah’s mercy for protection. This dua is read that brings comfort because it reminds Allah is the final protector of humans.

Building Up Faithfulness and Tawakkul

Reciting Dua Qunoot strengthens the believer’s relationship with Allah. It fosters a deep sense of dependence on Allah, reminding the person to turn to Allah during times of difficulty, trials, and challenges. The dua instills a sense of humility, acknowledging that humans are powerless on their own and must rely on Allah for their sustenance, guidance, and support.

Forgiveness and Mercy

Probably one of the advantages of Dua Qunoot is the possibility to ask Allah for forgiveness. In the dua, a believer asks Allah for pardoning his sins and evil deeds. This supplication, with its aim of asking Allah for mercy and divine pardon, is an important component in Islamic repentance. Allah has given himself the name the Most Merciful, and Dua Qunoot is how one calls on that.

Source of Solace in Grief

Recitation of Dua Qunoot during stress provides emotional relief. The person who has lost his property, or he is going through financial crises, or some kind of disease, finds relief by reciting this dua. He can let out all his vulnerabilities to Allah and feel comforted. It is also a source of comfort because Allah knows his problems and will find a way to get him out of that problem.

Spiritual Strength

The act of supplication itself is an important form of worship in Islam. Dua is a direct link to Allah, seeking His help and acknowledging His greatness. Dua Qunoot helps elevate one’s spiritual state and brings a sense of peace to the heart. It is an opportunity to express gratitude, seek blessings, and align one’s will with that of Allah.

A Means of Seeking Divine Intervention

It is quite common for Muslims to use Dua Qunoot as a means of solace during illness, family row, financial troubles, and social unrest. In doing so, they might seek God’s intervention in their matters. This is because the feeling is deep that no one except Allah can change a man’s situation, and therefore it is best to approach him directly for help to deal with problems.

More Reward and Blessings

Reciting Dua Qunoot is one of the many ways of getting ample reward, especially in Witr prayer. Islam explains that supplication is an action of worship that surpasses all others, and if people continue to go before Allah with true prayers, there is much reward for such acts. Dua Qunoot, being part of a person’s prayer routine, adds to one’s rewards before Allah and gives one peace.


Dua Qunoot is one of the powerful supplications used by Muslims to invoke Allah’s protection, guidance, mercy, and forgiveness. It is recited during Witr but can also be said at any time of distress. The dua is a reminder of the need for divine intervention in our lives and the importance of turning to Allah in times of hardship. This supplication is recited as a way to seek Allah’s help and to strengthen one’s faith, attain spiritual uplifting, and earn immense rewards. Dua Qunoot is a beacon in times of difficulty, showing comfort and solace to whomever recites it from the heart.

This way, Dua Qunoot can be included in the daily life challenges, through which one can ask for mercy and blessings from Allah so that he may feel a deep connection with his Creator.

By Molana Faruq Khan

Molana Faruq Khan is a renowned Islamic scholar, educator, and speaker dedicated to spreading the timeless teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah. With years of experience in Islamic studies and community service, he is widely respected for his eloquence, deep knowledge, and practical approach to understanding the Qur'an.

At, Molana Faruq Khan plays a pivotal role in offering insightful commentary, accessible guidance, and inspiring messages that connect people to the spiritual essence of Islam. His work emphasizes the relevance of the Qur'anic message in today's world, empowering individuals to lead a life of faith, compassion, and purpose.

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