In Islam, there are many ways of worship that bring the believer closer to Allah and help fulfill their needs and desires. Among them is Salatul Hajat Dua, a special prayer performed when seeking Allah’s assistance or fulfilling a specific need. This practice holds a special place in the lives of Muslims, as it serves as a direct line to the Creator, providing solace and hope in times of difficulty.
What is Salatul Hajat?
Salatul Hajat is a prayer of need, taught by the Prophet Muhammad to get believers to turn to Allah when they require guidance, assistance, or relief. It’s a humble and submissive act of saying, relying on Allah’s mercy and power.
The essence of this prayer is to remind the believer that Allah alone suffices for all needs and that he is the ultimate provider.
How To Perform Salatul Hajat?
The method of performing Salatul Hajat is simple and can be conducted at any time except when it is forbidden to conduct prayers. The following guide explains the steps:
Niyyah (True intention): You start with the intention to pray Salatul Hajat in order to seek Allah’s assistance to fulfill your need.
Rakaat: You will then pray two rakaats of nafl:
First rak’ah: After reciting Surah Al-Fatihah, you can read any surah that you like.
Second rak’ah: Do the same.
Make a heartfelt dua: After completing the two rak’ahs and saying the tasleem (salam), raise your hands and supplicate to Allah. Pour out your heart, mentioning your specific need or difficulty.
The Special Dua for Salatul Hajat
A specific supplication (dua) has been narrated for Salatul Hajat. It is recommended to recite the following dua after completing the prayer:
“Lā ilāha illallāhul-Halīmul-Karīm. Subhānallāhi Rabbil-‘Arshil-‘Aẓīm. Alḥamdulillāhi Rabbil-‘Ālamīn. As’aluka mujibāti raḥmatika wa ‘azā’ima maghfiratika, wal-ghanīmata min kulli birrin, was-salāmata min kulli ithmin. Lā tada’ lī dhanban illā ghafartahu, wa lā hamman illā farrajtahu, wa lā ḥājjatan hiya laka riḍan illā qaḍaytahā, yā Arḥamar-Rāḥimīn.”
“There is no god but Allah, the Forbearing, the Generous. Glory is to Allah, the Lord of the Great Throne. Praise is to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. I ask You for the means of Your mercy, the forgiveness of Your sins, the benefit from every good deed and safety from every sin. Do not leave for me a sin but that You forgive it, nor a worry but that You relieve it, nor a need of mine but that pleases You but that You fulfill it, O Most Merciful of the merciful.”
Benefits of Salatul Hajat
Salatul Hajat is not just a prayer to ask for one’s needs but also has a lot of spiritual benefits, such as:
Strengthening Faith: It strengthens the believer’s faith in Allah’s power and mercy.
Relieving Anxiety: When one shares his worries and needs with Allah, he finds peace within.
Deepening Connection with Allah: This act of worship helps a person develop a stronger bond with the Creator.
More Barakah (Blessings): Allah’s grace is asked for in everything that a person does in order to have goodness in his or her affairs.
Time to Perform Salatul Hajat
Salatul Hajat can be perform anytime of the day or night. But to perform it in the last third of the night is recommend because that’s when. Allah’s mercy and acceptance are at their fullest.
Salatul Hajat is a good way of seeking Allah when desperate. You want help in personal matters, cannot make a decision, or you’re just very peaceful; and here is hope and a way to get it in Salatul Hajat. Now, Allah likes his servant calling unto Him, and He never ignores a dua.