
How to recite Surah Fatah and its benefits

Surah Fatah (The Victory) is the 48th chapter of the Holy Quran. It is a very influential Surah with deep meaning and blessings. So, this surah is often read by people to gain spiritual advantages, to seek guidance, or to come closer to God. So, there is a complete guide on how to read Surah […]


Dua for Love of Allah Seeking Allah’s Affection and Blessings

Developing a deep and genuine love for Allah (SWT) is the core of a believer’s life. This profound connection develops faith, purifies the soul, and puts our hearts in line with the divine purpose. Heartfelt supplication (Dua for Love of Allah) is one of the most powerful ways to nurture this love. Importance of Loving […]


Salatul Hajat Dua for Fulfilling Needs

In Islam, there are many ways of worship that bring the believer closer to Allah and help fulfill their needs and desires. Among them is Salatul Hajat Dua, a special prayer performed when seeking Allah’s assistance or fulfilling a specific need. This practice holds a special place in the lives of Muslims, as it serves […]


Duas for Witr

Duas for Witr, is special, as it is highly recommend among the voluntary prayers and offered at night. In this way, it distinguishes itself because it is done odd numbers as “witr” means odd number, completes all the prayers of the day. It is offer between the time when Isha prayer is finished and Fajr […]


Dua to Save from the Evil Eye

The evil eye, also known as al-‘ayn in Arabic, is a form of spiritual affliction due to envy or excessive admiration. It can cause a person harm, bad fortune, or negative impacts in health, wealth, and well-being. Islam recognizes this aspect of the evil eye,  thereby providing protection through specific Dua to Save from the Evil Eye (prayers) and practices rooted in the Quran and Sunnah. Understanding the Evil Eye in Islam The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) affirm the reality of […]


Nazar Ki Dua

In Islamic teachings, the evil eye (nazar) is a concept that is consider very important. It is believe that the evil eye can cause harm or misfortune due to jealousy or admiration directed towards someone or something. To counteract this, Islam prescribes specific supplications (duas) for protection. The Nazar Ki Dua is one such powerful […]


Dua Hajat Prayer of need

Dua Hajat, or the “Prayer of Need,” is a very powerful act of worship in Islam, where Muslims can seek Allah’s help and guidance in times of need. It reflects the essence of a believer’s reliance on Allah, acknowledging that He alone holds the power to resolve all matters. This practice is deeply roots in […]


Surah Juma

Surah Juma , being the 62nd chapter of the Qur’an, is the most significant revelation highlighting community life, spiritual illumination, and the collective approach toward Muslims. It comprises 11 verses and belongs to Madinah surah as it discusses matters concerning belief, guidance by Allah, and the need to participate in Salat al-Jumu’ah, i.e., Friday prayer. […]


Surah mulk

Surah Al-Mulk (Chapter 67 of the Qur’an) is a profound chapter that holds immense significance in the lives of Muslims. Commonly referred to as Tabarak-Alladhi Bi-Yadihi Al-Mulk, this chapter comprises 30 verses that offer spiritual guidance, remind humanity of Allah’s sovereignty, and emphasize accountability in the Hereafter. Overview of Surah Mulk Surah Mulk is revealed […]

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